
The Sun takes approximately 2,150 years to pass through each of the Zodiacal signs, making a complete cycle each 25,800 years. For example, we very recently experienced the very beginning of the 2 millennia cycle of the Aquarian Age. About 2,000 years ago the "Bethlehem Star" marked the dawning of the Age of Pisces, the Fish. About 2,150 years prior to that, Moses helped usher in the Age of Aries, the Ram. For the two millennia prior to that, the Egyptians rose to power in the Age of Taurus, the Bull (Ba'al). The Legends of the Druidic Craft of the Wise are an accounting of humanity's progress and landmarks throughout the past eleven Ages since the Great Flood.
The Religions of the Ages
After the last great destruction at the end of the last Aquarian Age (some 25,000 years ago), the first religion was that of the Age of Capricorn. The religion of Capricorn, as we know, is the religion of the Great God, Pan - The Mother religion, or the beginning religion, of all. It was in existence at the time when the people of the Aryan race, who later became the Celts, settled Europe.
But by precession the Sun left the sign of Capricorn. The religions of the world changed, and the Wise men brought to the world another religion. This was that of Sagittarius, the religion of the nomads, in which heaven is a happy hunting ground. They are the wandering people. This was very similar to the religion of some of the Native American Indians. Then the Sun changed in Scorpio and it was necessary to institute another religion.
Then the Wise Men instituted the religion of Scorpio in which the people began to farm land and to settle and forsake their nomadic ways. They elevated the agricultural part of the Old Religion until it was of prime importance.
Then as farms grew and multiplied, and 2,000 years passed, the Wise Men again brought another religion. This was the religion of the age of Libra - the religion of business. For farming had flourished and trade became a necessity and business arose. And now business itself became the religion of the day. They began to build temples and for the first time began to worship money. It is noteworthy that the abbreviation "lb" for Libra is also the abbreviation for the British pound of money.
And thus money was developed and money became God in this age. To this day the remembrance of this religion lives on and there are those who trust their souls to money above all else.
Religions never perish, but remnants of earlier religions remain on the face of the earth at all times. While the majority of the world lagged behind, the chosen people went on to the religion of the Virgo age. The Wise Men brought this to pass.
Men began to worship the Mother Goddess, Virgo -- the perfect woman. And for the first time, womanhood was elevated to a position of supremacy in man's worship. This is the worship of Isis, Ashtoreth, Astarte, Cybele, and dozens of other named goddesses by various nations. But in every case it was the Worship of Woman, and lasted 2,000 years.
Then the sun went into Leo, and men rebelled against the rule of the Mother Goddess, and the Sun assumed prime importance in the religions of the age. Here Zoroaster established the greatest of all religions for that age. The duality of the universe prevailed, and everything was seen as either male or female, active or passive, light or darkness, good or evil, and so on.
But in due time, the sun went into Cancer. Cancer is the sign of good living, wines, food, and softness in general, for Cancer is the sign of the belly. Here arose a religion which has been much misunderstood.
The religion of Bacchus was an attempt to obtain communion between minds of men and with God, using alcohol as an aid. Later it degenerated into orgies. But even here worship was more in prominence than the more sensuous aspect of the orgy.
Two thousand years later, under the leadership of the Magi who were now being called Druids among the Celts, the religion of Gemini was established. These were the people whom the Bible calls "priests of the groves." It was commonly supposed they were ignorant people worshipping trees and performing all sorts of fertility rites with trees. This was far from true. Their religion was more of a "Johnny Appleseed" variety. They taught people that the highest religion was obedience to the first commandment of the Heavenly Father - to dress and keep the world as a Garden of Eden for man's happiness. Therefore, every time an apple or fruit was eaten the people were taught to put the seeds in a pouch. Every time one sat down to rest he was taught to plant one seed. This they did throughout the whole continent of Europe and soon the entire continent was covered with trees and vines bearing fruits, nuts and berries. People walked from one end of Europe to the other living upon the fruits of the forest.
This they did, and there was no private property in all the world. People wandered hither and yon from the northern regions of Scandinavia to southern Italy. They followed their teachers in small groups, discussing religion and philosophy, as they wandered north and south, eating freely of every tree in the forest.
All of Europe began to resemble what the world will be like when people obey the first commandment of God, "Be fruitful, multiply and replenish the earth and make the whole earth a garden of Eden."
Certain people then decided to stay in a certain place because they loved that particular area. And so they stayed there, lived there and took care of a particular grove. And they were known as the priests of the groves... and the people wandered freely back and forth and many people gained perfection.
And then the Sun sign changed, and it was necessary again to bring forth another religion. And the Wise Men did so. They did so sorrowfully, because it was necessary to institute the religion of Taurus. For the first time the world was divided into mine and thine, and the love of possessions started. These possessions extended even to people and the strong among the Taureans enslaved and gathered together vast harems and herds of slaves. Egypt was the stronghold of the chosen people of this era, and was known for its many thousands of slaves. The lot of the common man was little better than a slave. This was the Taurean religion at its height.
Moses, who had been raised in the king's court, was a member of the Wise Men, learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptian priesthood. This man attempted to establish the Arian religion. As is always done, he went to the leaders; the priests and the rulers. He said to them, "Let us establish the religion of the new age." They would not, but clung to the old. He then took the slaves and the outcasts of the old religion and led them into the desert where he very cleverly wandered around for four generations until they were one people.
They had amalgamated into one before he brought them out and established the Hebrew nation - the chosen people of the Aries age. And the religion lasted for its allotted space of time.
~ From the Religions of the Ages legend of the Druidic Craft of the Wise
For more on this see http://www.druidcraft.us/ages.htm
What About Christianity?
As the Age of Pisces approached, Wise Men again looked at the stars and read that it was time for the age of the Fish - Pisces. A Wise Man then came from Greece into Egypt and he was known only as The Teacher of Righteousness. He established two colonies of his followers in Egypt where they were called Therapeuti. Then he came into Asia Minor to establish nine more colonies. There they were known as Essenes or Healers. The Essenes flourished and gained great respect from the people. They were the Wise Men of the time and countries in which they lived.
The Wise Men had noted that the start of each new age is marked by a flaming star, a conjunction of three major planets shining in the heavens. This star, viewed through an acacia bush, was the "burning bush" that lead Moses to know that it was time to institute the Aries age. And this same star appeared over Bethlehem in 7 B.C., as reckoned by our present calendar to mark the start of the Piscean age.
Several years later a young man left the Essene colony in Galilee and proceeded over the River Jordan. His name was John, and he began the Piscean religion. He was the first to take the people and throw them in the water and catch them back out like fish. And he was the first to seriously lay down a foundation for the coming of the Piscean Age. But John was pre-doomed to failure because of his innate weaknesses.
Another young man, Jeshua ben Jusef, a Jew from Nazareth, was sent from the Essene colony to pick up the work of bringing in the Piscean age. His name translates into our language as Jesus. In general, the Wise Men accept the Bible story of the spirit of the First Born, Chiro or Christ, descending upon the man Jesus: taking over his body for a limited time; his mission and the crucifixion story.
But How Do We Regard The Man, Jesus?
Jesus came from a colony of Essenes, or Wise Men, natural medicine doctors; gathered together a group of twelve men - a significant figure among the Wise Men; healed the sick; raised the dead; cursed and destroyed the fig tree when it displeased him; and taught a "secret" religion to his disciples. In short he was probably one of the greatest Wise Men who ever lived.
His followers showed every evidence of following the Essene tradition; they lived communally; showed a strong love for each other, a significant mark of the Old Wisdom Religion; had three degrees in their priesthood - Catecumens, Auditors, and the Faithful; held themselves apart from the world; and openly called themselves the "Way" – all indications that Jesus' secret religion was the Way to Perfection of the Wise Men.
All scholars know (and most deplore) the fact that Jesus' beautiful philosophy was soon changed so much that no modern church in any way practices his teachings.
A peculiar fact then emerges. The Old Wisdom Religion, while it had existed from the very beginning, was interpreted into the tribal culture of the Semitic people, and became the Hebrew religion at its beginning in the days of Moses. Thus it was the original Hebrew religion fitted to its Age.
The Old Wisdom Teachings were then re-interpreted at the beginning of the Piscean Age for much later civilization, and thus the Old Wisdom Religion was the secret religion taught by Jesus. Obviously there is no resemblance between the Old Religion and the present day, religious organizations calling themselves "Christian" - whatever that means.~ From What About Christianity? The story of an old Druidic Legend recorded by Father Eli.
For more on this see http://www.druidcraft.us/christianity.htm
~~~~~~~~~~Belief Quotes of the Day~~~~~~~~~~~~
"One needs something to believe in, something for which one can have whole-hearted enthusiasm. One needs to feel that one's life has meaning, that one is needed in this world."~ Hannah Senesh
"Habits of thought persist through the centuries; and while a healthy brain may reject the doctrine it no longer believes, it will continue to feel the same sentiments formerly associated with that doctrine."~ Charlotte Perkins Gilman
"Believe nothing just because a so-called wise person said it. Believe nothing just because a belief is generally held. Believe nothing just because it is said in ancient books. Believe nothing just because it is said to be of divine origin. Believe nothing just because someone else believes it. Believe only what you yourself test and judge to be true." ~ Buddha [paraphrased]
We must Believe it is possible before we will want to Know for ourselves.~ Misty-Eve*
PISCES Divine Influence: "I BELIEVE"
In the Piscean Age, the Way to Perfection lay in the message of the gentle Jesus of Nazareth with his exhortations to be a believer. The Piscean Age of BELIEF is still a predominant theme in many of the world's religions and philosophies. But the Age of Aquarius has dawned, and "the times they are a'changing" as we make the transition into the Age of KNOWLEDGE. These two exhortations are linked for us in the Message of Pisces: "To say 'I believe' is to say 'I don't know.'"
When we don't know about something, we must fall back on belief. Conversely, when we rely on belief, we are only acknowledging that we really don't know. Believing is still very much a part of our cultural mindset. Most people still operate on the basis that whatever they hear or whatever is said to them they are required, or at least expected, to believe. We are finding it harder and harder to believe all these things which we are told, and yet we know how dynamic believing can be.
Belief can be a useful tool, for we must Believe that something is possible before we will want to Know for ourselves from our own personal experience. However, we are becoming aware that what we believe determines our hang-ups. In our pursuit of wisdom, we are trying to get rid of our hang-ups.
Therefore, while still a believer in many senses, let us always keep in mind that believing is NOT knowing, and that to become WISE one must KNOW, not BELIEVE.
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Excellent! I've forward to many people! Thanks Harry. I've been following your work since the 2002 or so.